PCD dies

pcd dies

Unique features of PCD wire drawing dies

  • Highly wear resistance
  • Longer die life as compared to ND dies
  • Resistant to fracture and wear
  • Characterized by an even wear that maintains wire roundness


  • Polycrystalline diamond dies are excellent for drawing nonferrous wire, such as aluminium, copper, stainless steel and are especially well-suited for larger wire sizes where die life is more important than wire surface finish.
  • Users of PCD dies may combine their drawing line with ND dies. ND diamond die may be used towards the end of the wire drawing process if the desired end result is a superior surface finish.

Size range

PCD wire dies (PCD) Typical ranges (both smaller and larger sizes are available on request):

  • 0.040 to 35.0 mm (.00157 – 1.378”) – polycrystalline diamond wire dies (PCD dies)